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MidMo Bank Debit Card Swipe Contest!


MidMo Bank Debit Card Swipe Contest!


What could you do with an extra $2k? Starting May 1st, every Mid-Missouri Bank debit card purchase or payment qualifies as an eligible entry into our MidMo Bank Debit Card Swipe Contest. We’ll randomly pick three MidMo Bank customer debit card purchases or payments each month and those MidMo customers will win $1,000 each. If any of the 3 monthly winning transactions was a mobile wallet/digital wallet payment, we’ll double that prize to $2,000. In-person mobile wallet swipes occur when you hold your smart device over a merchant’s near-field technology-enabled device at the register for purchases. Digital payments include things like paying a HULU bill electronically, making an online electric bill payment or a payment on another service for which you enter or have stored your MidMo Bank debit card information. Many electronic payments also qualify as mobile wallet swipes when your card information is stored in the vendors’ system and doesn’t need to be re-entered when making regular payments or auto-payments. Mobile swipes are safer swipes in terms of fraud risk and that’s why we’re doubling the prize on those safest types of payment transactions. If you have any questions about enabling mobile wallet on your smart devices, any of our Personal Bankers at any of our 13 Ozarks’ locations are happy to help. Our locations can all be found at